Thursday, April 16, 2015

My little grand darling Nevaeh enjoys holding my babies.
I collect reborns...and WE do not allow them to cry!

Something about the incessant whine of a baby wracks to the very bones of me.  It's not normal for a darling to cry, fuss, fidget, writhe and basically stay uncomfortable "All" day long.  What in the world can the matter be?. As a caregiver and adult it's supposed to be my job to find out.
I'm a firm believer in swaddling, warm baths and lavender rubs from the top of the head to the bottom of the babies toe.  Warm breast milk if not ideally taken from the breast can be in a cup or even a syringe.  Whatever it takes to get that tiny belly happy and full.  Maybe a good burp and some comfort in the rocking chair.  Slinging or wearing a baby against ones body is another wonderful approach for that comfort zone so desperately needed.  Unfortunately in an institutionalized day  setting this is prohibited. 
I wish we could incorporate some of the natural approaches to child care in daycare. With a dozen babies all needing attention it is not feasible.  I don't wish to offend anyone as I understand many moms need to work and I would not have a job otherwise.

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I love shabby,used,chipped,white,old,vintage, antique,junky gently loved stuff. I would love to dumpster dive but I could get a citation from the county. I adore my dogs, my grand kids and bathing in my tub outside. I am sensitive, eager to make friends although self conscious about it. I am faithful and very very generous at heart. I cry over stuff sentimental and sweet. I adore April Cornell clothing (although I can't afford her stuff)and anything sheer and vintage and loose. I'd live in my pj's and never ever wear a bra again. I love the beach and dancing in public places with my grand darlings and day time babies. I adore my kids and love my hubby although I could kill him a time or two. Yard sales and thrift stores are my died and gone to heaven activities. I love to spend money on these but usually am broke.